“Disengaging From The UN” DECLARATION

(Sign at the bottom)
(This Declaration Will be Sent to Congress)

This Declaration will be presented to Congress.


Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023

is Essential for Our Survival

(US HR:6645 / S:3428)

We, the undersigned, demand that all government agencies / or corporations whose mission includes implementation of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Pact for the Future, the Great Reset, One Health and similar.

These organizations, programs, and systems are committed to the absolute disenfranchisement and abolition of individual rights and meaningful representative government. 

The United Nations is merely a private, self appointed, self anointed club serving the desires of a small group of psychopathic oligarchs to whom our needs, indeed our very lives, are only minor irritants.

As such, the UN represents the single greatest threat to life and freedom on the planet. Carefully orchestrated control systems touching every aspect of life have been put in place over decades and, through well-crafted propaganda and censorship, are now rapidly being “normalized” and implemented from the municipal to the international level. Continuing participation in the UN and all of its subsidiary organizations, obligations, and associations will result in globalized, totalitarian control including digital slavery.

The UN and its component organizations and alliances (e.g.: WHO, IHR, WEF, UNDRIP, UNESCO, UNICEF, The Great Reset, C-40, “Pandemic Treaty”, ILO, FAO, UNEP, etc.), although presented as separate entities, are actually part of a comprehensive global master plan for massive depopulation and total destruction of our society and species through:

–Sustainable Development Goals
–UN Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 
–WHO “Pandemic Treaty”
–WHO International Health Regulations (IHR)
–WHO One Health: Totalitarian, Globalized Control of All Life and Resources (human, animal, plant, mineral, air, water)
–Codex Alimentarius (food and nutrition, nutrients, contaminants)
–“Climate Emergency” Fraud / Net Zero
–Bio Weapon “Vaccines” / Nano Technology / Chemtrails / Geo-engineering / Terraforming -Development and Deployment
–Falsified “Science” (climate, virology, epidemiology, genetics, pandemics, etc.)
–“Health” / “Vaccine” / Fraud 
–Social Control (lockdowns / social distancing / masking / mandates / emergencies)
Transhumanism / Biodigital Convergence / Internet of Bodies
–Cultural Destruction
–Normalization of Aberrant Behaviour (pedophilia, fetishism, child pornography, pornography for children, gender ideology, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity [DIE] etc.)
–Psychological Control via Educational Capture (hyper-sexualization of children, racial / tribal division, etc.) 
–Political Capture of Religious Dogma / One World Religion
–Depopulation / Genocide
–Agricultural Destruction / Famine
–Destruction of Parental Rights
–Destruction of Property Rights (land grabs via UNDRIP, 30×30, ”rewilding”, etc.) 
–5/10/15 Minute Cities (ICLEI, C-40, etc.)
–Destruction of National Borders / Mass Migration (legal / illegal) 
–Global Censorship (“Disinformation”, “Misinformation”, “Malinformation”) 
–Universal Total Surveillance / SMART[1] (meters, street lights, phones, TVs, appliances, cities,  automobiles, etc.) 
–Digital Currency / IDs / Social Credit Scores 

The United States Constitution recognizes our unalienable rights while the UN Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that the UN can withdraw our rights[2]. These two positions are fundamentally incompatible. It is critically important that the United States Congress pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645 & S: 3428). This act must be passed into law with the super majority capable of overriding a likely Oval Office veto. Legislation requiring the United States’ exit from the UN is fundamental to protecting our rights and way of life. 

The time is short. Add your name and your organization (if any) to this declaration.

[1] SMART – Surveillance Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology

[2] Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 29(3), 30

For more information refer to http://preventgenocide2030.org