Edward Shields, CPA, Correspondence
RE: World Council for Health Financial Documents

September 30, 2024

Dear Dr. St Rose,

Sorry I missed some of the content of your email of September 23, 2024, which was buried in the responses below, which referred to tone and pronouncements, stating that the other 2 doctors were also perturbed and embarrassed and one had said that he did not want to be on a call with you again, yet no one can remember what was being discussed or said in the meeting of June 17, 2023 or what transpired in meeting that led to that perception and outcome.  I was making certain points about international affairs in the global arena that needed to be said at that time because much of what was being said in the meeting didn’t make sense to me.  

No one remembers what was said in the Zoom meeting and there is no recording or minutes of the meeting to review in a clear and objective manner to arrive at a conclusion about what happened or why it happened or turned out in the way seen by members of your group.  At this point, we are just talking in the wind based on residual feelings, perceptions and emotions shared by some.  Raising this issue now, 15 months later doesn’t help to resolve the matter that you raised.
If I recall rightly, I was being cut off and blocked at every step during the meeting when trying to make a point or ask certain questions about the formation and structure of WCH and its operations, vis-a-vis WHO. The narrative being pushed was that WCH should replace WHO, but we don’t know who WCH is nor whether that would work nor whether it is the proper way to go to invest our time, energy and limited resources on the global front when so much is needed at the local and regional levels?  I believe the Age of Globalism is over, and that organizations seeking public trust and confidence should be well-structured, transparent, and clearly articulated, which the World Council for Health is not!
In my opinion, the fundamentals of financial reporting and business management and operations are lacking and do not meet domestic or international standards.  In other words, there is no World Council for Health, only EbMCsquared Community interest Corporation (CiC) operating as, or doing business as, World Council for Health.  This means that when financial contributions come in through World Council for Health’s website or other sources, they go to EbMCsquared bank accounts, which we presume is doing business as World Council for Health.

WCHs website is down, undergoing maintenance.  I hope it comes back up soon so that I can link to the donate page and other pages on WCHs website!

World Council for Health is a “program”, i.e., an “initiative” encapsulated within the website and operations of EbMCsquared Community interest Corporation (CiC), a company limited by guarantee (1), which lists itself as a non-profit company collecting money and charity donations from the public to fund certain program initiatives and activities of which World Council for Health is one of those initiatives.  It appears that most of the revenue that comes through to EbMCsquared CiC is raised by World Council for Health through public donations and events but may not be dedicated solely to WCH operations and activities, which are mixed into and comingled with other programs and initiatives, such as BiRD, Source, World Ivermectin Day, and Better Way Conference, which should all be under WCH, not the other way around.  If this is not correct, please let me know.

This presents a conflict of interest and comingling of funds that need to be explained and straightened out in EbMCsquared accounting and operating procedures and practices, and for this reason no financial statements exist for World Council for Health, nor can any be easily or readily prepared.  It would take an accounting effort to separate, segregate and dissect one accounting program initiative from the others.  EbMCsquared is a public corporation.  The public has a right to know.
World Council for Health is not a registered organization that takes a legal form nor a registered non-profit organization in the UK or elsewhere.  Hence, critical documents needed to understand its powers and operations, such as Articles of Association, Article of Incorporation or Certificate of Incorporation for World Council for Health as a standalone organization do not exist and would not be forthcoming.  It’s an initiative of EbMCsquared CiC, so these things do not exist or apply. 

World Council for Health is not an organization according to Secretary, Mark Lawrie.  See comment below: EbMCsquared CIC is a Community Interest Company that runs several initiatives. Amongst these is the World Council for Health. This is not an organisation.

Who owns and controls EbMCsquared CiC is the key question.  Who are the key decision makers?  The Board of Directors?  How often do they meet?  Do they have minutes for their meetings? Is there a president for EbMCsquared CiC who may be the key decision maker operating under the direction of the Board of Directors?  That ownership structure controls the affairs of WCH and sets its policy and direction and can shut it down at any given moment in time or change the needs, direction and requirements of WCH at any time to meet or suit any interests, without public knowledge or contributors’ consent, just as GAVI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation control and direct the affairs of the World Health Organization (WHO) whom everyone is strongly against today.  These are critical questions that members in your group and organization need to understand and discuss amongst themselves to form a clear understanding of the operating structure of EbMCsquared CiC, otherwise, everyone is operating in the dark.


Michael John Harrington Austin, Charity Trustee: Tower House, Bristol, England: as a person who acquired significant control on 29 October 2022 and ceased significant control on December 6, 2022, reported on July 11, 2023.

Theresa Anne Lawrie, MD: Bath, England: as a person who acquired significant control on 29 October 2022 and ceased significant control on December 6, 2022, reported on July 11, 2023.

Christof Walter Plothe, Osteopath: Alzey, Germany: as a person who acquired significant control on 29 October 2022 and ceased significant control on December 6, 2022, reported on July 11, 2023.

Most PSCs are those who hold:

  • more than 25% of shares in the company
  • more than 25% of voting rights in the company
  • the right to appoint or remove the majority of the board of directors

Source:  Companies House

 of Mr. Mark Caine Lawrie as a secretary on 19 October 2022 to present See attached

6 Active Officers, 1 Resignation
1. Michael John Harrington Austin, Charity Trustee, Bristol, England: Oct 19, 2022 to present
2. Mark Caine Lawrie, Secretary, Bath, England: Oct 19, 2022 to present
3. Theresa Ann Lawrie, MD, Bath, England, April 1, 2021 to present
4. Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Bath England & South Africa: Dec 6, 2022 to present
5. Christof Walter Plothe, Alzey, Germany: Oct 19, 2022 to present
6. Mark Raymond Trozzi, MD, Ontario, Canada
7. Emma Leigh Sron, Content Manager, Jan-June 2024: Resigned June 13, 2024

Mark Caine Lawrie, Secretary of EbMCsquared, is not listed as a director on EbMCsquared’s website, only Michael Austin, Theresa Lawrie, Shabnam Mohamed, Christof Plothe and Mark Trozzi.

EbMCsquared is a Community interest Corporation (CIC) registered under UK company laws as a not-for-profit corporate entity.  WCH is only an initiative or program within EbMCsquared CiC spheres of operations.  It is not a standalone non-profit organization as most people in the public would think when contributing to World Council for Health on their website under Donate.  World Council for Health is not a standalone organization.  In fact, World Council for Health does not exist as a registered non-profit organization, meaning that is does not exist. It is merely a program within EbMCsquared CiC family group of initiatives.  This structure needs to change in my opinion.  You cannot keep collecting money from the public without them knowing that WCH does not legally exist as a separate, autonomous, standalone non-profit organization.  At some point somebody is going to ask the question, and this question must be answered in a clear, transparent, and open manner that holds and maintains public trust and confidence.

The financial affairs of EbMCsquared CiC are presented on its website at annual-report-23-v1.pdf.  The unaudited financial statements of EbMCsquared CiC are attached to this email. The information presented on the website is not an annual report.  It is a summary statement of revenues and expenditures, showing distribution of expenses across various administrative and operating lines or categories.  It is hardly sufficient to attract or garner public interest, trust, or support.  The Activity Report is just that, a glossy list of activities undertaken across all EbMCsquared CiC initiatives over the course of a year: April 2022 to March 2023.  It is not a financial report, nor does it pretend to be such.  This is a form of deceptive advertising in my opinion.  The attached unaudited financial statements of EbMCsquared CiC should be reviewed by the directors and those interested in learning more about EbMCsquared CiC.  It lists 2 people as employees in 2022 and 2023.  We do not know who these two employees are.  It means that only two people are getting paid for the work they undertake at EbMCsquared CiC.  Everyone else is a volunteer or using the EbMCsquared CiC to promote their own interests, services, organizations, or products.

The members have not required the company (EbMCsquared) to obtain an audit in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act of 2006.

The directors recognize their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of the accounts.

The unaudited financial statements ended March 31, 2023 was approved by the Board of Directors on December 22, 2023 and signed by Dr. Theresa Lawrie on behalf of the Board.

The affairs of EbMCsquared CiC are not shown in an annual report in the classic meaning of the term from a financial and accounting point of view.  The website shows a one-page presentation of summary results of revenues, expenses, and distribution of EbMCsquared CiC activities.

What does EbMCsquared mean?  This is fundamental question that others may ask.  E=MC?

These basic, fundamental questions are not addressed, and answers were not forthcoming.

A request for World Council for Health financial statements was made on June 17, 2023 at the Caribbean Allies Zoom meeting that I was invited to attend.  Shabnam responded that the operations team was on holiday after the BWC conference, and that she would forward my request next week.  Those financial statements were not forthcoming and now we can see why.  WCH does not exist!

It should be noted that Shabnam Palesa Mohamed writes from an unsecure email address of [email protected], which is not associated with https://worldcouncilforhealth.org or https://ebmcsquared.org.  Shabnam is a Director of EbMCsquared CiC and serves on the steering committee of World Council for Health.  She also co-chairs its Law and Activism Committee.  Thewc4h.org does not exist as an organization or website.  This suggests that it is a private email address.  Directors doing business on behalf of EbMCsquared should be assigned a company email address that links their communications to the affairs of the non-profit entity.  Why isn’t this being done? 

I was trying to get a sense of what WCH was all about in the meeting of June 17, 2023, and that was not happening.  I now better understand why!  Nobody knew the answers to the questions I was asking; no one was even aware that these were important questions that should be asked and understood.  I hope this sheds some light on the matters you are raising with respect to tone and pronouncements.

I look forward to receiving a copy of WCH financial statements if they exist, can be prepared, or made available for public knowledge and dissemination.



Edward Anthony Shields, CPA, MBA
Chief Financial Officer
450 Lexington Avenue, #1248
New York, New York 10163
Phone: (646) 399-6480
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.easadvisory.com


EBMCSQUARED CIC13308646 – Incorporated on 1 April 2021
11 Laura Place, Bath, England, BA2 4BL

Christof Walter Plothe
 as a person with significant control on 29 October 2022 that ended on December 6, 2022
Michael John Harrington Austin as a person with significant control on 29 October 2022 that ended on December 6, 2022
Theresa Anne Lawrie as a person with significant control on 29 October 2022 that ended on December 6, 2022

Appointment of Mr. Mark Caine Lawrie as a secretary on 19 October 2022 to present See attached


Financial Statements of EbMCsquared CiC made up to 31 March 2023 See attached
Financial Statements of EbMCsquared CiC made up to 31 March 2022 See attached

1) Certificate of Incorporation of a Community Interest Company
2) Appointment of Mark Caine Lawrie, Secretary
3) Unaudited Financial Statements of EbMCsquared period ending March 31, 2023
4) Unaudited Financial Statements of EbMCsquared period ending March 31, 2022


  1. company limited by guarantee (CLG) is a type of company where the liability of members in the event the company is wound up is limited to a (typically very small) amount listed in the company’s articles or constitution. Most have no share capital, although rare exceptions exist.

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 02:52:18 PM EDT, Gilbertha St. Rose <[email protected]> wrote:

On Tue, 24 Sept 2024, 10:15 Gilbertha St. Rose, <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Edward

Please find response from Mark below. 




On Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 01:25:11 AM EDT, Edward A Shields, <***@***.com> wrote:
Mark, I guess you were not following the trail of emails and WhatsApp posts initiated by Dr. St. Rose last week that brought this issue back to the floor after a long, extended 15 months period.  I did not initiate this conversation, Dr. St Rose did by contacting me directly on WhatsApp, expressing her grievance and disappointment in how badly the last meeting went on June 17, 2023 with all kinds of direct, accusatory remarks and statements about my presumably bad behavior and performance, about me “rudely” asking for financial statements, etc., etc. …demanding an apology from me, which I refuse to give because I believe that their opinion was misaligned and my comments taken out of context. If you have links for the financial statements of WCH, that would be useful.  If you don’t, just say you don’t have financial statements for WCH, or that they are not publicly available, and that would satisfy the question.

Since I asked for WCH’s financial statements in June of 2023, this basic information has not been forthcoming, nor have I received an explanation regarding WCH’s financial statements that made sense.

I think you misunderstand what I wrote in my last email to Dr. St. Rose on Friday, September 20, 2024, which must have been forwarded to you.  Are you saying that World Council for Health is an initiative of EbMCsquared CIC, that WCH does not stand on its own as a separate, independent and autonomous organizationbecause this is the impression that the pubic have of WCH?  This is the very reason why I asked for a copy of WCH financial statements in the first place.  Fifteen months have passed and we are still discussing it, where nobody who attended the meeting of June 17, 2023 can say or explain what’s going on with WCH’s financial statements but found my questionings distasteful, even embarrassing.

How can EbMCsquared CIC that runs several initiatives, including World Council for Health, not be an organization when in fact it is a .org?  That doesn’t make sense.  If it’s a non-profit as stated on your website, it is an organization.  Maybe you have a different definition of an organization that I am not aware of.  Could you please explain what you mean when you say,  “This is not an organisation”?  If not, then what is it?  A Holding Company?  And if so, who are the primary shareholders and beneficiaries?  Is this proprietary information or public?

As stated in your email, “All fund-raising activities are within EbMCsquared CIC, predominantly through the World Council for Health initiative.”  Are you saying that there are no separate financial statements for World Council for Health because everything is lumped and hidden under the controlling interests of EbMCsquared?  This is where the question of redundancies and overlaps was raised in my email of September 20th.
No one understood or could answer these basic questions at last year’s meeting of June 17, 2023. I find it surprising that people who are leading and promoting WCH do not know how the company is structured financially or whether WCH’s financial statements are produced and available for public scrutiny, examination and consumption.  Is WCH a transparent organization or not?  Is it private or public?  If it’s private, I understand that you cannot release the information.

If you have separate financial statements for World Council for Health that would be great!  If not, send me the link for the financial statements of EbMCsquared, that you referred to in your email below, to be on Companies House and on your website. 

Who is Companies House?  Is Companies House the Holding Company of EbMCsquared initiatives?

I searched through WCH and EbMCsquared websites and could not find the financial statements to which you referred. The financial statements are not highlighted under Press or Public Relations where you would normally find them as there is no such category on any of your websites.

Thank you!


PS: Could we please keep these discussions to one platform, preferably [email protected]?  This is my personal, private account.  I do not use this email account to discuss business related issues or matters.  So far, the communications are being spread over three platforms: WhatsApp, Yahoo and my business account, [email protected].


On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 02:52:18 PM EDT, Gilbertha St. Rose <[email protected]> wrote:

On Tue, 24 Sept 2024, 10:15 Gilbertha St. Rose, <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Edward 

Please find response from Mark below.



On Tue, 24 Sept 2024, 09:56 Mark Lawrie, <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Gilberta

Please see or note below. 

Thank you and kind regards

Dear Mr Shields,

It is fifteen months since you met with members of the World Council for Health team. There has been no contact in the intervening period, so your email was unexpected.

As already mentioned, our financial statements are published online at Companies House and on our website. You appear to have misunderstood the further information on the EbMCsquared CIC website. EbMCsquared CIC is a Community Interest Company that runs several initiatives. Amongst these is the World Council for Health. This is not an organisation. The figures of net income that you quote are not payments to any separate organisation. All fund-raising activities are within EbMCsquared CIC, predominantly through the World Council for Health initiative.

Thank you for your interest.

Mark Lawrie
Production Lead and Company Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://EbMCsquared.org  
Support EbMCsquared

The World Council for Health relies on contributions from the public.  This keeps us independent and free from any conflicts of interests.  Your support will enable us to continue our mission, as guidance and advice to communities around the world.  Contribute at: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/donate/

Why not check out our other websites and projects:
BiRD, World Ivermectin Day, Better Way Conference, EbMCsquared, The Great FreeSet/Claim Your Freedom, World Council for Health, Source


On 23/09/2024 23:16, Gilbertha St. Rose wrote:

Dear Edward 

Apologies as I did not address your tone and pronouncements at the that time or very soon after. The other 2 doctors were also perturbed and embarrassed. 

Perhaps we can look into revisiting the end of this zoom content with them. One had said that he did not want to be on a call with you again. 

We need all truth keepers and seekers to be working together.

I know that your intentions are good and that you may have got carried away. I value our interactions and your willingness to share knowledge and truth. I tend to look beyond and around offenses and aim to heal hurt feelings and mend bridges.

I will forward you a statement from Mark Lawrie offering some clarifications on WCH financials.

Please reply to us all.




On Mon, 23 Sept 2024, 16:54 , <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Dr. St Rose,

Thank you for your email.

DRSR: I note that our meeting with Caribbean allies in 2023; did not end on a good note.

EAS: We discussed this matter at length via WhatsApp regarding your concerns and the feelings your team members shared as to how that last meeting unfolded and transpired.  As you know, this is the first time that I am hearing this.  Be that as it may, the issue is over 15 months old and it’s difficult to objectify, defend, explain, or address these differing points of views when no one has a record of what happened to assess or explain why certain things were said or positions taken.

The financial information provided on the two websites is inadequate to give a coherent explanation or understanding of WCH financial position, funding, or fund-raising activities.

I provided information on angel investment below.  It’s a tricky subject that does not lend to easy explanation.

It’s not a subject of “suspicion”, but one of understanding.  I do not understand WCH from a financial, structural, or operational point of view, hence it’s difficult for me to form a clear understanding of the organization other than from the information provided on WCH’s website.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,



From: Gilbertha St. Rose <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2024 12:06 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed <[email protected]>

Dear Edward

I note your email of 20/9/24 below to Shabnam. 

I note that our meeting with Caribbean allies in 2023; did not end on a good note 

I note that Shabnam had said that she would have sent you more information after the BWC and has not. In the interim she referred you to financial information dealing with the WCH financials and funding   available on 2 websites. 

Shabnam had also requested more information on Angel Investors from you which she has not got.

Our work for WCH is time consuming and energies and work done need to be well directed. 

Would you like to help us to source funding for WCH or are you at all suspicious of any financial involvements or disclosures.

What exactly would you like from WCH at this point. 

We need to work together transparently, honestly and efficiently for the benefit of us all.




On Fri, 20 Sept 2024, 10:24 , <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Shabnam,

Thank you for your email of June 17, 2023.

As noted below, I understand that my request for funding information of WCH was sent to your operations team that would provide the information requested when they return from BWC conference last year.  I await your reply on this matter.

I reviewed the attachment and websites you provided and noted the following:

Ebmcsquared.org is a non-profit organization that relies heavily on public support and contributions where the surplus is donated/transferred to WCH on an annual basis.  It appears that Ebmcsquared is the marketing and operational arm of WCH with its own special interest activities, such as World Ivermectin Day, BiRD International, Source and Better Way Conference, or at least tacitly or expressly functions in that manner and capacity?  Income of £58,200 was transferred to WCH on or about March 31, 2023,  £18,300 on or about March 31, 2022.  Approximately 90% of Ebmcsquared revenues were from donations, and about 10% from conference, merchandise, and event sales as noted on their website.  There is no indication that Ebmcsquared provides healthcare services to the public or was incorporated to do so.  It is strictly a promotion, marketing, and administrative entity where 92% of its revenues are used to fund its operations with the excess going to WCH.  Independent of Ebmcsquared, WCH carries out its own fund-raising activities, where there may be some overlaps and/or redundancies between ebmcsquared and WCH activities and operations.

Evaluating “angel investors” is a tricky matter as funding source and intention must be carefully and sensitively evaluated and scrutinized to better understand the motivation and reason for contribution whether it’s a lump-sum contribution or periodic payment.

I look forward to receiving the funding statement and/or report of WCH.

Thank you kindly in advance,


Edward Anthony Shields, CPA, MBA
Chief Financial Officer
450 Lexington Avenue, #1248
New York, New York 10163
Phone: (646) 399-6480
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.easadvisory.com



[email protected]
Cc: ‘Gilbertha St. Rose’ <[email protected]>; ‘Saradiel’ <[email protected]>; ‘Cathal Healy-Singh’ <[email protected]>

July 2023

Dear Shabnam,

Requesting Statement of Funding of WCH identifying sources of funding and identification of Special (Undisclosed?) “Angel” Investors.

Thank you,


Edward Anthony Shields, CPA, MBA
Chief Financial Officer
450 Lexington Avenue, #1248
New York, New York 10163
Phone: (646) 960-6830
Email: [email protected]


From: Shabnam Palesa Mohamed <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2023 3:15 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected][email protected][email protected]

Dear Edward

Thank you for your interest in World Council for Health and for attending the meeting with Caribbean allies today.

To learn more about the organisation’s work, you can view the website: worldcouncilforhealth.org and the related Better Way Conference: ww.betterwayconference.org – which Feisal participated in brilliantly.

As the operations team is on holiday after the BWC conference, I will forward your request next week. Meanwhile you could look at existing information:

1. Worldcouncilforhealth.org/donate

2. Ebmcsquared.org/finances

Your question on angel investors is specific. Are there angel investors you recommend WCH should avoid in the supranational, corporate, NGO, and billionaire class?

 It would be useful for you to share, as you worked in the World Bank:

1. The World Bank’s role in the One Health, One World Government, and 2030 Agenda. We are aware that loan debts from WB, IMF and BIS are a form of colonization.

2. A proposal based on your suggestion that there should be a tax revolt, as a way to counter the Bretton Woods system. This is of course very different to debt justice.

Attached, USA HR 79 on the WHO. I am au fait with BRICS+ developments. Africa certainly has a critical role to play, more via her people than revolving door politicians.


Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

  • Lawyer: Strategy + Geo-Political Mediation
  • Journalist: CHD.TV and Trialsite News
  • Activist: Strategy and Collaboration
  • World Council for Health
  • Steering Committee (SC) serving member
  • Law and Activism Committee (LAC) co-chair
  • EBMC squared CiC board member and director

Other organisation roles:

  • Children’s Health Defense Africa (executive director)
  • African Sovereignty Coalition (co-convenor)
  • Transformative Health Justice (CEO)

Sent from Proton Mail mobile

Article of Incorporation

Appointment: Mark Lowrie

Financial Statement 2022

Financial Statement 2023