Why is SAVING These Ostriches So URGENT?

A recent court decision on January 31, 2025 granted the ostriches a stay of execution but this only delays their death date. This stay is currently being appealed by CFIA. If the appeal is granted, they can kill the flock. At the same time, an expedited Judicial Review is being carried out and will be completed by April 17, 2025.

Public outcry to stop CIFA’s destructive overreach is essential.
Previously exempt from CIFA’s culling activities since they were deemed “genetically important,” CIFA then declared that the ostriches were no longer “genetically important” and should all be murdered en masse. This is unscientific and insane.

Your help is urgently needed. Incredibly, CFIA refuses to test the herd for any disease and has prohibited the farmer from testing their own herd on pain of massive fines and imprisonment. At the same time, it is the explicit duty of the farmer to test and treat their herd under both the BC Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and the federal Criminal Code sec 445.1 (1)(a).

The United Nations, through its subsidiary agency, the World Health Organization (WHO), is directly involved in this senseless slaughter by setting forth Canadian health policy and protocols for avian flu / H5N1. This irrational, callous and short-sighted approach by the UN’s One Health system is designed to stamp out the ostriches’ natural immunity. Today the assault is on an ostrich herd. Where will the assault be tomorrow?

1. Tell CFIA, “No Killing!”

We have sent have sent 59,162 emails.
Updated 2025-03-03 7:00am Pacific.

Action opened 2025-01-29

View a sample letter

I demand that you halt the senseless killing of healthy animals.

I understand that a court decision has correctly granted a 30 day stay of execution for the Edgewood, BC, Universal Ostrich Farms Herd. Despite that, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has submitted an application to the court to allow them to proceed with the execution of the herd as soon as possible. This application will be heard imminently.

I strongly oppose CFIA’s intention to cull these 400 healthy ostriches. Although CFIA alleges that the herd has been exposed to a pathogen and must therefore be killed, they have not only refused to test the herd but have prohibited the owners from testing or treating their own herd on pain of massive fines and imprisonment. These healthy ostriches demonstrate natural immunity, making their culling not only unscientific but also cruel and counterproductive to human health, sustainable farming practices and animal welfare.

This research herd of ostriches is a living laboratory and presents a unique scientific opportunity to study natural immunity and its implications for human health, which could significantly impact future veterinary practices and public health policies.

These animals pose no risk, but the CFIA extermination protocol imposes a very serious risk: it is CFIA which must be curtailed.

I demand you act to halt this senseless killing immediately.

MP, MLA, Senators

Paul Mackinnon, President Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Mary-Jane Ireland, Chief Veterinary Officer and Delegate to the World Organisation for Animal Health (CFIA)

Cortnie Fotheringham, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Mel Arnold, MP
Steve Morissette, BC MLA
Ian Paton, BC MLA

Culling is Killing



Ostrich’s eggs hold the cures that we need:
Their antibodies to fight our disease.
Edgewood’s ostriches help mankind
Yet they’re slated for culling—is C.F.I.A. so blind?

Culling is killing, they make it sound nice!
Culling is murder—open your eyes!
Science ignored, but the truth is clear
They’re killing the cure to keep us in fear!

Verse 2:
Culling is killing, they make it sound nice!
Culling is murder—open your eyes!
Science ignored, but the truth is clear,
They’re killing the cure to keep us in fear!

What’s the real goal? Why kill these birds?
Who stands to gain from killing the herd?
If they silence the cure, they’re in for a fight
Because truth doesn’t die — truth comes to light!

Culling is killing, they make it sound nice!
Culling is murder—open your eyes!
There’s blood on their hands,
Lift your head from the sand!
If they silence the cure, they’re in for a fight
Because truth doesn’t die — truth comes to light!

2. Make & Send Your Video

Action opened 2025-02-25

Suggested Script for Video

My name is _. I am deeply concerned by the possibility of CFIA’s killing the 400 healthy ostriches at Universal Ostrich farm, Edgewood, BC. These animals are vital research tools in our understanding of natural immunity and produce robust interspecies antibodies.

In addition, the “Stamping-Out” policy, resulting in the death of viable, vibrant animals, rather than allowing them to develop natural immunity is both scientifically and ethically indefensible.

Stop the senseless slaughter before irreplaceable lives and opportunities for health are lost forever.

3. Send Another Letter to CFIA

Action opened 2025-02-25

View the letter

Dear Ms. Fotheringham,

I am writing to you in your capacity as the Incident Commander for the Western Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) response, with grave concerns about the culling of 400 ostriches in British Columbia. As someone with a keen interest in the well-being of both animal populations and public health, I urge you to reconsider the actions being taken, particularly in relation to these birds, who are not involved in the food or trade sector, but instead play a critical role in scientific research.

It is well-known that the ostrich, over its 23 million years as a species, has developed the most powerful immune system known to humankind. These birds are vital to advancing immunology and are currently helping researchers unlock valuable information related to animal and human diseases. They represent decades of research and represent a unique opportunity for breakthrough developments in areas ranging from vaccine production to infectious disease prevention.

In fact, experts like Dr. Tsukamoto, President of Japan’s Kyoto Prefectural University,  Ashley St. John, an immunologist at Duke-NUS Medical School, and Stu Greenberg, CEO of Ostrigen, have underscored the value of these ostriches in their work on antibodies that could significantly impact both animal and human health.

Additionally, there are no signs of illness or mortality among the birds for almost 2 months, and the farm has maintained excellent health practices. It is troubling that the CFIA has refused to test the birds and instead threatens the owners with severe penalties for attempting to perform any diagnostic tests or provide treatment. This inaction raises serious concerns regarding transparency and accountability in managing this situation. 

Instead of easing restrictions CFIA imposed additional quarantine restrictions, while the birds await their unjust execution, highlight the agency’s reckless overreach. Some of these mandates are physically impossible to implementsuch as erecting fences in frozen ground. Even more concerning is the requirement to separate birds by age and sex, which is a direct violation of the WOAH mandate to maintain normal husbandry practices.

Anyone familiar with ostrich behavior, especially during mating season, understands that these birds have a strict pecking order. Penning all the males together would inevitably result in violent territorial disputes, effectively creating the first state-sponsored cockfight. This is not only cruel but also completely contrary to responsible animal management and welfare standards. The CFIA is mandating chaos while claiming to enforce biosecurity.

While it is well known that the CFIA may consider exemptions from depopulation for non-infected birds within the same epidemiological unit, it is accepted that these exceptional circumstances are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as the health status of the birds, biosecurity measures in place, and the potential impact on disease control efforts.  The Edgewood Universal Ostrich Farm has exemplified biosecurity measures above and beyond the required standards, implementing rigorous protocols that meet or exceed CFIA guidelines. Their commitment to containment and disease prevention has been demonstrated through strict access controls, enhanced sanitation procedures, and ongoing monitoringensuring that these birds pose no risk of transmission, the FACT that all 400 birds are healthy with zero signs of illness for almost 2 months exemplifies the biosecurity measures taken.  

The public outcry against this culling has been widespread and has garnered international attention. People around the world are watching as Canada makes this decision. The ostriches are not just animals; they are part of a larger research initiative that could help save lives and prevent the spread of diseases in the future. In the end is that not the goal?  If not what is the goal?

Moreover, these birds have been on this farm for over 35 years, which adds a further layer of complexity to this decision. It’s a devastating blow to the family that has cared for these birds for generations and a setback for ostrich research that could delay progress for decades.

In light of the facts, I respectfully request that you intervene in this matter to halt the culling and allow for a more nuanced and scientifically grounded response. There are alternative solutions that respect both public health concerns and the vital research being conducted with these animals. 

It is important to point out again that these birds are not for food or trade and in fact they constitute a zoological collection maintained  for research significance, genetic value, and educational purposes. They have NO direct or indirect contact with poultry or poultry facilities as defined by WOAH.  As such this collection of ostriches is extremely valuable both monetarily and scientifically which makes them automatically subject to enhanced biosecurity measures, which one can extrapolate is why there have been no illness for nearly 2 months despite CFIA orders prohibiting the owners from testing or treating the ostriches. 

I am confident that, under your leadership, a more appropriate and informed approach can be taken. I urge you to ensure that the science is given precedence over decisions that appear to be driven by outdated or politically motivated agendas.

Thank you for your time and attention to this critical issue. I look forward to your prompt response and your leadership in ensuring that science and animal welfare are protected.


New Verb in Town



OneHealth – It’s the New Name for Death

There’s a new verb in town
Come to pick up the crown
Come to drive us all down
            To the grave
She wears a kind face
She’s all over the place
All rights to erase
            You’re her slave


She’s so pleasant and kind,
But look close and you’ll find
Say it all in one breath:
            It’s the new name for Death

Every chick, rock and sprout
Is hers, without doubt,
To keep disease out.
            OneHealth protects us
She owns all resources,
The products, the sources,
Who lives and who dies:
            OneHealth selects us


She’s so pleasant and kind,
But look close and you’ll find
Say it all in one breath
            It’s the new name for Death

She’ll OneHealth us to die
Holding “Public Health” high
And we dare not ask why
            Of OneHealth, the tyrant
The new verb in town
Wears a hospital gown
To OneHealth us all down
            We must all stand defiant!


OneHealth is the new word for death and destruction
Of our rights, of our genes, of our social construction
She plays with our language, our laws and our minds
            To make OneHealth look helpful. She must think we’re blind
But OneHealth means culling and we’re the new flock
OneHealth means removing us all in a block
OneHealth is a verb with no place to hide:
            OneHealth is a verb that means “genocide”.

OneHealth’s face so fair hides a cruel murderess
OneHealth culls the eaters she says are useless
OneHealth’s execution uses pandemic excuses.
            OneHealth wants us dead, or dumb and dependent
OneHealth is Death’s name, her breath rank and sour,
Humanity’s rising, resilient, with power
We see through the menace, though it grows by the hour,
            Her goal? Genocide all of us and all our descendants

Who’d want us all dead? Someone sick in the head

And the heart, someone psychopath-bred:
 OneHealth’s evil masters who run the UN

            If we give them the chance, they’ll come back again
We must leave the machine devoted to death,
Leave the UN, make sure freedom comes next

            It’s our only real chance, our only real hope

            Here we take our stand, as free women and men


Action opened 2025-02-25

Sample Phone Script

My name is _. I am deeply concerned by the possibility of your agency killing the 400 healthy ostriches at Universal Ostrich farm, Edgewood, BC. These animals are vital research tools in our understanding of natural immunity and produce robust interspecies antibodies.

In addition, the “Stamping-Out” policy, resulting in the death of viable, vibrant animals, rather than allowing them to develop natural immunity is both scientifically and ethically indefensible.

Stop the senseless slaughter before irreplaceable lives and opportunities for health are lost forever.

Save Our Ostriches from Government Kill Order


Kari Simpson, a long time activist warrior, is coordinating the scientific, legal and social media teams challenging the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s ridiculous and unfounded order to kill 400 healthy ostriches on a research farm near Edgewood BC.

The birds, up to 35 years of age, are part of an international study (Canada, USA, Japan) of natural immunity & antibodies against Avian Flu and potentially Covid. Kari outlines the history leading up to the kill order including designed-to-fail quarantine orders imposed on the farm and the unprecedented legal actions that have occurred to date.

The significance of this fight is world wide. You can help to save the ostriches. Take action HERE.

For current information please visit SaveOurOstriches.com

Dr. Rima Truth Reports


A judge granted a temporary injunction (stay of execution) to allow for a judicial review of the kill order. CFIA is asking the judge to ‘clarify’ that the stay of execution applies only to the farmer’s not being REQUIRED to kill their own animals the but does not restrain CFIA from killing them.



Why Do we NEED these Ostriches?

  • Studying ostrich natural immunity can benefit human health.
  • Destruction of this “living laboratory” is a huge loss for science and health research.
  • If this flawed murder protocol is allowed, whose animals are next? Your pets?
  • PCR tests are completely unreliable, yielding mostly false positives, making them worthless as a diagnostic tool.
  • Why did CFIA deny the herd’s “Genetically Important” exemption?
  • Why kill 400 healthy birds?

Information on the Actions
Once you enter your information in the boxes above and click “Next,” you can edit the letters. The letters will be sent to:

Mark Holland, Minister of Health
Lawence Macaulay, Minister of Agriculture
and Agri-Food

Copies will be sent to:
Paul Mackinnon, President, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Mary-Jane Ireland, Chief Veterinary Officer and Delegate to the World Organisation for Animal Health (CFIA)
Cortnie Fotheringham, (CFIA)
Meghan Koetsier (CFIA)

Justin Trudeau, PM
Mel Arnold, MP
Steve Morissette, BC MLA
Ian Paton, BC MLA

IF YOU LIVE IN CANADA, your MP, MLA, and Senators will be automatically included.

—>SHARE This link with everyone you can reach and encourage them to take the actions, too.

Please help with the legal fund by donating:  E-transfer:  [email protected]

For additional information visit www.SaveOurOstriches.com

For additional interviews:

Jan 26th   Shadoe Davis

Jan 27th   Viva Frei

Volunteer to Help Save Our Ostriches

Ostrich Update


Katie Pasitney of Universal Ostrich Farms reports on the court’s ruling made this morning.

Good news: The judge made it very clear that NO ostriches are to be killed until AFTER the Judicial Review.

Bad news: CFIA has appealed the judge’s original stay order issued 31 January. The appeal will be heard by a different judge. All documents for the appeal must be filed by Friday.

IF the appeal is heard before the Judicial Review, the ostriches would again be at risk of being killed before the Judicial Review. An application for an emergency injunction would be needed to stay the execution.

The significance of this fight is world wide. You can help to save the ostriches. Take action HERE.

For additional information visit SaveOurOstriches.com

Catalytic Conversations


As reported by Katie Pasitney of Universal Ostrich Farms (near Edgewood in rural BC), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has ordered that 400 healthy ostriches, subjects of an international study of natural immunity / antibodies (in Japan, USA, and Canada) be killed because 2 younger birds died. Two swabs from each carcass were tested in an Abbotsford laboratory using PCR. The farm is not a consumer meat production facility.


  • Refused to test any of the birds that had recovered from illness
  • Refused to test any of the asymptomatic birds in a separate part of the farm
  • Threatened the farm owners with a $200,000 fine and 6 months in jail if they treated their own animals or took samples
  • Warned a veterinarian preparing to test the animals NOT to do so.

Universal Ostrich Farm is a serious threat to the globalist agenda and Big Pharma. CFIA is adhering to United Nations Agenda 2030 to destroy agriculture world wide and eliminate 90% of the world population.

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