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3,025 people have sent 41,579 emails
Updated 2025-02-15 7:00am Pacific.

Action opened 2025-01-29

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I demand that you halt the senseless killing of healthy animals.

I understand that a court decision has correctly granted a 30 day stay of execution for the Edgewood, BC, Universal Ostrich Farms Herd. Despite that, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has submitted an application to the court to allow them to proceed with the execution of the herd as soon as possible. This application will be heard imminently.

I strongly oppose CFIA’s intention to cull these 400 healthy ostriches. Although CFIA alleges that the herd has been exposed to a pathogen and must therefore be killed, they have not only refused to test the herd but have prohibited the owners from testing or treating their own herd on pain of massive fines and imprisonment. These healthy ostriches demonstrate natural immunity, making their culling not only unscientific but also cruel and counterproductive to human health, sustainable farming practices and animal welfare.

This research herd of ostriches is a living laboratory and presents a unique scientific opportunity to study natural immunity and its implications for human health, which could significantly impact future veterinary practices and public health policies.

These animals pose no risk, but the CFIA extermination protocol imposes a very serious risk: it is CFIA which must be curtailed.

I demand you act to halt this senseless killing immediately.

MP, MLA, Senators

Paul Mackinnon, President Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Mary-Jane Ireland, Chief Veterinary Officer and Delegate to the World Organisation for Animal Health (CFIA)

Cortnie Fotheringham, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Mel Arnold, MP
Steve Morissette, BC MLA
Ian Paton, BC MLA

Ostrich Song

Why is this urgent?

A recent court decision on January 31, 2025 correctly granted the ostriches a 30 day stay of execution but this only delays their death date. Now CFIA is asking the judge to ‘clarify’ that the stay of execution applies only to the farmer’s not being REQUIRED to kill them but does not restrain CFIA from killing them.

Previously exempt from CIFA’s culling activities since they were deemed “genetically important,” CIFA then declared that the ostriches were no longer “genetically important” and should all be murdered en masse. This is unscientific and insane.

Your help is urgently needed. Incredibly, CFIA refuses to test the herd for any disease and has prohibited the farmer from testing their own herd on pain of massive fines and imprisonment. At the same time, it is the explicit duty of the farmer to test and treat their herd under both the BC Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and the federal Criminal Code sec 445.1 (1)(a).

The United Nations, through its subsidiary agency, the World Health Organization (WHO), is directly involved in this senseless slaughter by setting forth Canadian health policy and protocols for avian flu / H5N1. This irrational, callous and short-sighted approach by the UN’s One Health system is designed to stamp out the ostriches’ natural immunity. Today the assault is on an ostrich herd. Where will the assault be tomorrow?

Why do we need these ostriches?

  • If this flawed murder protocol is allowed, whose animals are next? Your pets?
  • PCR tests are completely unreliable, yielding mostly false positives, making them worthless as a diagnostic tool.
  • Studying ostrich natural immunity can benefit human health.
  • Destruction of a living laboratory is a huge loss for science and health research.
  • Why did CFIA reverse the herd’s “Genetically Important” exemption?
  • Why kill 400 healthy birds?

—>Enter your information at the left, then you can edit the letter before sending to:

Mark Holland, Minister of Health
Lawrence Macaulay, Minister of Agriculture
and Agri-Food

[IF YOU LIVE IN CANADA, your MP, MLA, and Senators as determined by your postal code will be automatically included.]

Paul Mackinnon, President Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Mary-Jane Ireland, Chief Veterinary Officer and Delegate to the World
Organisation for Animal Health (CFIA)
Cortnie Fotheringham, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Meghan Koetsier (CFIA)

Justin Trudeau, PM
Mel Arnold, MP
Steve Morissette, BC MLA
Ian Paton, BC MLA

—>SHARE This link with everyone you can reach and encourage them to take the action.

Please help with the legal fund by donating:  E-transfer:  [email protected]

For details on how you can help: www.SaveOurOstriches.com

See the full story here:

Jan 26th   Shadoe Davis

Jan 27th   Viva Frei

Jan 29th   Jimmy Dore 