BC Election 2024

Hey Candidates.
You want my vote? I want your answers!

Where do your candidates stand on critical issues including the HPOA, C-293, and others?

We, the voters of BC, need this information in order to decide for whom to vote. Use this opportunity to ask candidates directly what their positions are and urge them to post their answers and to complete the candidate questionnaire on https://politicalscorecards.ca/bc-mla-questionnaire/

Below is the letter that will be sent to all candidates in the BC 2024 provincial election. Use the widget at the right to enter your information, edit and send the letter.

Dear [ auto filled ],

You want my vote? I want your answers!

Your Political Score Card candidate-questionnaire (politicalscorecards.ca/bc-mla-questionnaire/) is a tool I use to help guide my vote. It provides clarity on your stand on critically important issues. Your answers (or your non-answers), your commitment to the Pledge for Good Governance, and your Score Card itself assist me and other voters in selecting candidates to represent us.

There are two issues of special concern to which your specific response will be essential in guiding my vote:

1. Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA)

The HPOA (Political Score Card questions 1-5) both destroys doctor-patient confidentiality and criminalizes healthcare professionals for exercising clinical judgement on behalf of their patients. Informed consent is now impossible as health care professionals are explicitly forbidden from providing accurate information to their patients, compelling only official-narrative-confirming information in spite of what the professional knows or believes to be in the patient’s best interest.

This Act violates the rights of both patients and health care professionals with disastrous, potentially lethal results.

Should we elect you, are you committed to repealing the HPOA?

2. Bill C-293, Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act

Bill C-293 (Political Score Card question 21) is a federal bill, authorizing comprehensive override of provincial jurisdiction. Provinces have the right and responsibility to reject federal government overreach into provincial jurisdiction and to disregard unlawful and/or unconstitutional laws. Can you assure me that you are prepared to protect BC autonomy and the rights of your constituents by rebuffing such overrides in this and other legislation and regulations?

C-293 embeds policies into Canadian law which originate at the United Nations (UN) and which violate and nullify both Canada’s Constitution and Bill of Rights, by consolidating policy and governance in the Prime Minister’s Office through the US-registered Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Despite having “Canada” in its name, PHAC is registered as a satellite office of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Washington, DC.

C-293, now at second reading in the Senate, transfers governance and jurisprudence from Canada to the WHO and UN. It MUST be stopped.

In addition to seeking your assurance on this issue, I also invite you to join other concerned Canadians by taking the Action at StopC-293.ca to send a letter to your Senators, Leader of the Senate, Executive Assistant to the Speaker of the Senate, your MP, your MLA, the Governor General, and the Prime Minister demanding the defeat of C-293.

Thank you for your willingness to stand in public service as a defender of BC’s autonomy and rights. These significant issues are a litmus test for BC voters. I anticipate your clear and concise written response to my questions and will share them widely.

Thank you.