Council of Concerned Citizens
Protecting Your
Property, Rights, Health, Freedom and the Council of Concerned Citizens are projects of the tax exempt 501(C)(3) Institute for Health Research and its sister organization, the Natural Solutions Foundation, the leading independent voice for Health Freedom around the world. We refuse funding or input from governments or other sources which could compromise our independence, integrity and advocacy. We exist only through your generous support.
We are devoted to solving the root problems which threaten all of us by eroding our Informed Consent, Autonomy and Rights.
The Natural Solutions Foundation carries out active programs:
- Education and dissemination through podcasts, interviews and publications
- Legislative and policy activism
- Advocacy support tools including high impact Action Items
- International collaboration and communication
- Research, reports and documentation
- Amicus Curiea Briefs and other litigation actions
The Globalist forces working to eliminate our rights (such as informed consent, personal autonomy, parental rights, etc.), forcing us all into the “Internet of Bodies”, “BioDigital Convergence”, 15 Minute Cities, mandatory vaccination, etc., are well organized and abundantly funded. They have immense resources and massive communication and policy reach.
Immediate and effective counter measures to preserve and protect our health, freedom and rights from the Globalist/United Nations/WHO assault are urgently needed and we can only implement them with your generous support.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima & Counsel Ralph
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Ralph Fucetola, JD