We Have 180 Days from February 5th, 2025, for Trump’s “UN Membership Review.” We Must Act Now to Create the
Necessary Political Momentum.

On February 5th, 2025, President Donald Trump ordered Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, to review all US relations with international organizations, treaties, etc, including the United Nations. This offers us an unprecedented opportunity to impact the outcome of this review. Secretary Rubio will issue a report telling the President whether any organization that he reviewed conflicts with US interests and will advise further action if it does.

It is up to us to make sure that President Trump withdraws the US from the United Nations. Our massive response is the key to our success in compelling President Trump to withdraw the US from the UN. Take the action on this page to send the following letter to President Trump:

View a sample letter here. The letter which will be sent is inside the widget at the left. It can be edited by adding, removing, or changing text as you see fit.

United Nations Agencies and programs are contrary to US interests, the Constitution and US sovereignty.  Eighty years of participation and countless wasted dollars have demonstrated their destructive impact on every aspect of our Nation’s life. I urge you in the strongest possible terms to immediately withdraw the United States from the UN and all its agencies, programs and operations.

Considering the Executive Order of February 4, 2025, requiring the Secretary of State and the United Nations Ambassador to review and report to you on international bodies “to determine which organizations, conventions, and treaties are contrary to the interests of the United States and whether such organizations, conventions, or treaties can be reformed”, I strongly believe that the UN and its subsidiary organizations are antithetical to the interests of the United States, violating the inalienable rights of citizens of the United States.  There is no meaningful way to reform, reorganize or reconstitute an avowedly Marxist system focused on instituting a One World Government hegemony, thereby subjugating the sovereignty and principles of the United States. Withdrawing this country is the only logical action for you to take.

I urge you to consider the following:

Although the UN consistently presents itself as merely advisory, benign and helpful, the sinister reality is a rapidly evolving implementation of comprehensive world domination. This is clearly evidenced by its own assertions and directives (see, for example, Pact for the Future, Declaration on Future Generations, United Nations 2.0, Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development Goals, Global Digital Compact, UNDRIP, 15 minute cities, WHO and One Health, Pandemic Preparedness and Response Protocol, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Gender Ideology, etc., etc.)

Indeed, the UN foundational Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself stands in direct opposition to the very existence of our inalienable rights and a representative form of government — see particularly Article 29:

“These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

The UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have a long-standing partnership to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable [sic] Development, which includes Agenda 2030’s vision of climate change [sic], health [sic], digital cooperation [sic], gender equality [sic], education [sic], and skills [sic]. The fundamental principle upon which this comprehensive reorganization of society is based is naked Marxism. According to both the UN and the WEF, human rights are a useless relic of the past, most of the population of the world is “unnecessary”, and easily replaced by machines. Clearly this is incompatible with the interests of the people of the United States who have been given no opportunity to oppose the UN destruction of their society and the alteration of their genetics.

Agenda 2030 is a comprehensive plan to reshape and/or destroy every facet of human society and, indeed, the genetic integrity of humanity itself, implementing total world domination, control, and ownership. Through specialized corporations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), no aspect of private, political or community life remains intact once Agenda 2030 is implemented.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) is incompatible with our Constitutional Rights. The UNDHR sets forth ‘rights’ or ‘freedoms’ and allows restrictions on the same, ‘as provided by law’ – there are no inalienable rights under the UN system, contrary to the provisions of the US Constitution, such as Amendment One, which prohibits any law restricting freedoms of speech, religion, petition and assembly.

The US Senate ‘Consent’ to the UN Charter (1945), although deceptively presented as a Treaty, actually binds the US to nothing. The US relationship with the UN is unconstitutional and thus ultra vires. The President may, by unilateral act, withdraw from the UN. The UN Charter is not a treaty binding the United States as part of the Supreme Law of the Land.

Logic, reason and law require you, Mr. President, to conclude that withdrawing immediately from the UN is essential to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the US from all UN programs and agencies. The entire UN organization and its programs are contrary to the interests of the United States and cannot be reorganized, reconstituted or reformed to our benefit.

This is the tweet that you can send

US MUST Exit UN Now! Only the Head of State can do it! Protect parental & property rights, informed consent, kids, food, agriculture, water & freedom. Agenda 2030/Net Zero/Climate Change and fake pandemics are political and economic controls, not solutions.

The United Nations stands in stark, direct and dangerous conflict with US interests. The President’s withdrawal of the US from the UN offers the only protection we have against Agenda 2030, One Health, Bio-Digital Convergence, the Digital Gulag and the rest of the United Nations’ rein of terror and destruction.

Our massive response is the key to our success in compelling President Trump to withdraw the US from the UN.

Take Action NOW, then mobilize your Circle of Influence by sending them this link.

–> Tell your Circle of Influence about your email and tweet and ask them to comment, like, retweet and take the action themselves. Use this link, https://PreventGenocide2030.org, to generate a political tsunami by mobilizing everyone you can reach to do the same.
–> If you live in the US, Canada, Australia or UK you can take this action directly on this page above.
–> If you live outside of the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, copy and paste the Tweet into your twitter account and send it directly to POTUS Trump @realDonaldTrump