
CONGRESS: EXIT the United Nations NOW! Pass the “Disengaging Entirely From The United Nations Debacle Act of 2023” (HR:6645 and S:3428)

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The US Congress must pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S:3428) by a supermajority to prevent the utter destruction of every aspect of personal and national autonomy and sovereignty by the UN Death Machine. Continued membership in the globalists “country club” (aka the “United Nations”) assures the destruction of everything we value as human beings.

Each component part of the grand scheme of destruction fomented by the UN (for example, WHO’s Pandemic ‘Treaty’, One Health, UNDRIP’s Land Grabs, “Gender Ideology”, Transhumanism and the Internet of Bodies, municipal capture, the destruction of agriculture, 15-minute surveillance cities, etc.) is designed to destroy the structure and integrity of our families, schools, rights, institutions, societies and, indeed, our very bodies.

Implementation of catastrophic policies like Agenda 2030/The Great Reset/Vaccine Passports/Central Bank Digital Currency/Sustainable Development Goals, One Health, etc., is achieved through so-called ‘treaty obligations’ with the UN and its components. In fact, there is no treaty obligation.

Careful investigation reveals that neither the US, nor any other country, actually has any treaty obligations to the UN or its components since treaties can only made between nations and the UN is nothing more than a private club.

Comprehensive destructive and unwelcome changes are being made rapidly to the structure and function of every part of our country because of these assumed treaty requirements. In fact, those requirements are based on nothing but fraud and deceit. Any Member of Congress continuing that fraud and deceit by NOT voting for HR: 6645/ S: 3428 is in violation of US law.

We, the People, must tell the Members of our Congress, that fact simply, strongly and compellingly. NOT voting for this bill means that the Member is knowingly participating in a vast racketeering enterprise. We cannot allow this to continue.

Hence, taking the Action on this Page and sharing the link to it with everyone you can reach is vitally important.

Recently, 49 Senators told the White House that they opposed the Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendment negotiations. This is a good start but does not address the real threat: continued membership in, and acquiescence to, the agendas and programs of the UN Death Machine. The Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 addresses the threat, and neutralizes it completely.  But the ACT will not pass without massive popular support. 

That is where we come in.

Your survival is, quite literally, at stake.

If you believe that someone else can do it, you are wrong. It’s up to you.
If you believe that we can wait a while longer before doing it, you are wrong. We are just about out of time.

The other side is moving rapidly and their plans for total dominance and destruction, as laid out in their comprehensive and terrifying “Pact for the Future” (slated to be signed on September 23, 2024) makes it clear that we are on the brink of total defeat unless we snatch victory from the jaws of the Death Machine NOW.

And we can do that.  All it takes is a massive outcry for the passage of this Act by a Congressional majority sufficient to override the inevitable veto that we can anticipate from the Oval Office.

Act Now. Share this link as widely as you can as if your very life depended upon it.
