Tell Congress to Pass The
“Disengaging Entirely From The United Nations Debacle Act of 2025
(HR:1498 / S:669)”

The United Nations stands in stark, direct and dangerous conflict with US interests. The President’s withdrawal of the US from the UN offers the only protection we have against Agenda 2030, One Health, Bio-Digital Convergence, the Digital Gulag and the rest of the United Nations’ rein of terror and destruction.

On February 20, 2025, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced the Disengaging Entirely From The United Nations Debacle Act of 2025 (HR:1498 / S:669) to the US Congress. Together, the Executive Order of February 4, 2025 and this Act offer us an unparalleled opportunity to ensure US withrawal from the United Nations.

It’s a numbers game. The Globalists have the money and we have the people. It is up to us to mobilize the politicians to get this bill through Congress and motivate President Trump to write the necessary withdrawal letter getting the United States out of the United Nations.

Use the widget on the left to send a letter to President Trump and members of Congress. The widget allows you to Email, Tweet, and Phone them.

View a sample letter here. The letter which will be sent is inside the widget at the left. It can be edited by adding, removing, or changing text as you see fit.

United Nations Agencies and programs are contrary to US interests, the Constitution and US sovereignty.  Eighty years of participation and countless wasted dollars have demonstrated their destructive impact on every aspect of our Nation’s life. I urge you in the strongest possible terms to immediately withdraw the United States from the UN and all its agencies, programs and operations.

Considering the Executive Order of February 4, 2025, requiring the Secretary of State and the United Nations Ambassador to review and report to you on international bodies “to determine which organizations, conventions, and treaties are contrary to the interests of the United States and whether such organizations, conventions, or treaties can be reformed”, I strongly believe that the UN and its subsidiary organizations are antithetical to the interests of the United States, violating the inalienable rights of citizens of the United States.  There is no meaningful way to reform, reorganize or reconstitute an avowedly Marxist system focused on instituting a One World Government hegemony, thereby subjugating the sovereignty and principles of the United States. Withdrawing this country is the only logical action for you to take.

I urge you to consider the following:

Although the UN consistently presents itself as merely advisory, benign and helpful, the sinister reality is a rapidly evolving implementation of comprehensive world domination. This is clearly evidenced by its own assertions and directives (see, for example, Pact for the Future, Declaration on Future Generations, United Nations 2.0, Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development Goals, Global Digital Compact, UNDRIP, 15 minute cities, WHO and One Health, Pandemic Preparedness and Response Protocol, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Gender Ideology, etc., etc.)

Indeed, the UN foundational Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself stands in direct opposition to the very existence of our inalienable rights and a representative form of government — see particularly Article 29:

“These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

The UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have a long-standing partnership to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable [sic] Development, which includes Agenda 2030’s vision of climate change [sic], health [sic], digital cooperation [sic], gender equality [sic], education [sic], and skills [sic]. The fundamental principle upon which this comprehensive reorganization of society is based is naked Marxism. According to both the UN and the WEF, human rights are a useless relic of the past, most of the population of the world is “unnecessary”, and easily replaced by machines. Clearly this is incompatible with the interests of the people of the United States who have been given no opportunity to oppose the UN destruction of their society and the alteration of their genetics.

Agenda 2030 is a comprehensive plan to reshape and/or destroy every facet of human society and, indeed, the genetic integrity of humanity itself, implementing total world domination, control, and ownership. Through specialized corporations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), no aspect of private, political or community life remains intact once Agenda 2030 is implemented.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) is incompatible with our Constitutional Rights. The UNDHR sets forth ‘rights’ or ‘freedoms’ and allows restrictions on the same, ‘as provided by law’ – there are no inalienable rights under the UN system, contrary to the provisions of the US Constitution, such as Amendment One, which prohibits any law restricting freedoms of speech, religion, petition and assembly.

The US Senate ‘Consent’ to the UN Charter (1945), although deceptively presented as a Treaty, actually binds the US to nothing. The US relationship with the UN is unconstitutional and thus ultra vires. The President may, by unilateral act, withdraw from the UN. The UN Charter is not a treaty binding the United States as part of the Supreme Law of the Land.

Logic, reason and law require you, Mr. President, to conclude that withdrawing immediately from the UN is essential to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the US from all UN programs and agencies. The entire UN organization and its programs are contrary to the interests of the United States and cannot be reorganized, reconstituted or reformed to our benefit.

This is the tweet that you can send

Agenda 2030/Great Reset are designed to destroy our rights and freedoms.
US interests are deeply damaged by our membership in the UN.  Protect US sovereignty, constitution and freedoms by withdrawing from the UN ASAP.

Take Action NOW, then mobilize your Circle of Influence by sending them this link.

–> Tell your Circle of Influence about your email and tweet and ask them to comment, like, retweet and take the action themselves. Use this link,, to generate a political tsunami by mobilizing everyone you can reach to do the same.
–> If you live in the US, Canada, Australia or UK you can take this action directly on this page above.
–> If you live outside of the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, copy and paste the letter into an email and send it to [email protected], then copy and paste the Tweet into your twitter account and send it directly to POTUS Trump @realDonaldTrump


2009: Jesse Ventura Meets
Dr. Rima Laibow

Updated content added in 2023

Dr. Rima Laibow flies from her self-exiled home in Panama to a small airport in Minnesota to meet with Governor Jesse Ventura at his request.

Dr. Laibow explains how a future “pandemic” will be used to force vaccinations into people which will cause serious health issues.

On Friday night March 21 one of the oldest ostriches at Universal Ostrich Farm, Sarah, was shot in the head and killed by an unknown cowardly sniper.


Out in the fields ‘neath Edgewood skies,
She walked with grace, with ancient eyes.
Not just a hen, but hope in stride,
Her blood held truth they tried to hide.
She gave her gift, her sacred shield,
Against the dark, her strength revealed.
But last night hate came dressed in black,
A sniper’s shot, no taking it back.

Sarah, your feathers still ride on the wind,
Your fight ain’t over, this ain’t the end.
They tried to silence what you gave—
But you, sweet girl, were never afraid.
CFIA came with their masks and might,
Hard-core bullies, afraid of the light.
But we won’t forget, we won’t back down—\
You wore the crown, the science renown.

They threatened, bullied, broke every rule,
To bury truth with cold-hearted tools.
But you stood tall with gentle grace,
A healer in a feathered place.
You gave your eggs, your mighty gift,
To help mankind, to heal and lift.
A silent warrior, calm and wise—
You earned your wings beneath the skies.

Flightless girl, you now soar high,
From ostrich to angel in the sky.
Watching o’er the flock below,
With heaven’s light in every glow.
Sweet Sarah, now your soul takes flight,
Beyond the stars, into the light.
Though Karen’s arms can’t hold you tight,
Her heart still feels you every night.

Sarah, your wings were born from pain,
Now you’re flying above the rain.
Your legacy’s loud, your heart was pure,
No sniper’s hate can blur the cure.
To CFIA and the lies they spread—
You faced them proud, never bowed your head.
Now guardian angel, forever you sing,
From feathers to heaven—you earned your wings.

So rest now, Sarah, the war’s not in vain—
You lit a fire that won’t be tamed.
We all will miss you every day,
But in our hearts, you’ll always stay.
An ostrich no more, your spirit ascends,
From earthbound healer to skyward friend

In 1961, JFK placed the US military under UN control, where it remains today. Surrendering the US Military to the UN was laid out in “Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.” This policy is now US law and must be reversed once the US leaves the UN.


Matthew Pauly hosts a @C293comtee meeting with guests Debbie Lerman & Sasha Latypova -co-authors of the Covid Dossier, James Roguski, and Connie Shields.

Government response to the “covid pandemic” was not a Public Health Response. It was a pre-planned, orchestrated assault by the military. The covid “vaccine” is a military counter measure to the covid pandemic / “health emergency.”

All governments are under control of globalist organizations. The US military used the established United Nations global governance structure to implement the covid response.

1. EXIT the UN and all its associated organizations and programs

2. End all Public Private Partnerships

The Covid Dossier

The US pays $Billions annually to the UN, funding the UN’s attempt to destroy the US. While the US contribution is very large, the situation is the same for many other countries. The solution is simple: Withdraw from UN Membership, and use the money to build countries instead of destroying them.

Ostrich Antibodies Could Make Vaccines Irrelevant So UN Wants Birds Dead


Katie Pasitney of Universal Ostrich Farms shares latest report of court action threatening the Ostrich flock.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is desperately trying to kill the antibody-producing flock of research ostriches in British Columbia. A court order blocked them from the scheduled slaughter on Februray 1st. CFIA wants to kill her birds regardless of reason or research.

Good news: The judge made it very clear that NO ostriches are to be killed until AFTER the Judicial Review April 14-17.

Bad news: CFIA has appealed the judge’s original stay issued January 31. The appeal will be heard by a different judge.

Public outcry is essential. UN-directed slaughter has world wide implications. Click HERE to learn more and add your voice to stop the murder of the ostrich research flock.

Depopulation is a central part of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset. In partnership with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, the UN has decided that the world they wish to dominate “needs” very few of us. They want to convince us to let them destroy us individually and as a species by using mRNA “vaccines” to “prevent” and/or “cure” alleged pandemics and diseases like cancer.

Bill Gates TED Talk 2010: “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

FULL VIDEO (29:32)

What is Agenda 2030?

Agenda 2030 is a brilliantly articulated, comprehensive plan to destroy every facet of human society and, indeed, humanity itself. Its purpose is total world domination, control and ownership. Through a series of specialized corporations such as:

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
  • United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO),

no aspect of private, political or community life will remain intact once Agenda 2030 is fully implemented. Full world wide implementation of the agenda is scheduled for 2030, a mere five years away.

Presented as benign and helpful, the UN has successfully propagandized itself into a position of psychological and political near-invulnerability since its creation in 1945. Meanwhile, the sinister reality of its actual agenda for comprehensive world domination has proceeded nearly unnoticed by most of us.

For Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset to come into full effect by the year 2030:

  • Vast numbers of people must die
    making “Vaccinces” necessary
  • Virtually all farms and livestock must be destroyed making “alternative proteins” and synthetic “food” necessary
  • All privately owned vehicles must be banned
    making 15 minute cities necessary
  • Dissent must be criminalized
    making comprehensive surveillance and censorship necessary
  • All production and distribution must be centralized
    making confiscation of private property necessary     
  • Economic activity must be monitored and controlled making digital currency necessary
  • Reproduction must be controlled and suppressed making destruction of fertility necessary

“..and now fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population.. because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology like artificial intelligence, bio engineering. Most people don’t contribute anything to that except perhaps for their data and whatever people are still doing that is useful, this technology increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people..”



View a sample letter here. The letter which will be sent is inside the widget above. It can be edited by adding, removing, or changing text as you see fit.

Dear President Trump,

United Nations Agencies and programs are contrary to US interests, the Constitution and US sovereignty.  Eighty years of participation and countless wasted dollars have demonstrated their destructive impact on every aspect of our Nation’s life. I urge you in the strongest possible terms to immediately withdraw the United States from the UN and all its agencies, programs and operations.

Considering the Executive Order of February 4, 2025, requiring the Secretary of State and the United Nations Ambassador to review and report to you on international bodies “to determine which organizations, conventions, and treaties are contrary to the interests of the United States and whether such organizations, conventions, or treaties can be reformed”, I strongly believe that the UN and its subsidiary organizations are antithetical to the interests of the United States, violating the inalienable rights of citizens of the United States.  There is no meaningful way to reform, reorganize or reconstitute an avowedly Marxist system focused on instituting a One World Government hegemony, thereby subjugating the sovereignty and principles of the United States. Withdrawing this country is the only logical action for you to take.

I urge you to consider the following:

 Although the UN consistently presents itself as merely advisory, benign and helpful, the sinister reality is a rapidly evolving implementation of comprehensive world domination. This is clearly evidenced by its own assertions and directives (see, for example, Pact for the Future, Declaration on Future Generations, United Nations 2.0, Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development Goals, Global Digital Compact, UNDRIP, 15 minute cities, WHO and One Health, Pandemic Preparedness and Response Protocol, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Gender Ideology, etc., etc.)

Indeed, the UN foundational Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself stands in direct opposition to the very existence of our inalienable rights and a representative form of government — see particularly Article 29:

“These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

The UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have a long-standing partnership to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable [sic] Development, which includes Agenda 2030’s vision of climate change [sic], health [sic], digital cooperation [sic], gender equality [sic], education [sic], and skills [sic]. The fundamental principle upon which this comprehensive reorganization of society is based is naked Marxism. According to both the UN and the WEF, human rights are a useless relic of the past, most of the population of the world is “unnecessary”, and easily replaced by machines. Clearly this is incompatible with the interests of the people of the United States who have been given no opportunity to oppose the UN destruction of their society and the alteration of their genetics.

Agenda 2030 is a comprehensive plan to reshape and/or destroy every facet of human society and, indeed, the genetic integrity of humanity itself, implementing total world domination, control, and ownership. Through specialized corporations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), no aspect of private, political or community life remains intact once Agenda 2030 is implemented.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) is incompatible with our Constitutional Rights. The UNDHR sets forth ‘rights’ or ‘freedoms’ and allows restrictions on the same, ‘as provided by law’ – there are no inalienable rights under the UN system, contrary to the provisions of the US Constitution, such as Amendment One, which prohibits any law restricting freedoms of speech, religion, petition and assembly.

The US Senate ‘Consent’ to the UN Charter (1945), although deceptively presented as a Treaty, actually binds the US to nothing. The US relationship with the UN is unconstitutional and thus ultra vires. The President may, by unilateral act, withdraw from the UN. The UN Charter is not a treaty binding the United States as part of the Supreme Law of the Land.

Logic, reason and law require you, Mr. President, to conclude that withdrawing immediately from the UN is essential to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the US from all UN programs and agencies. The entire UN organization and its programs are contrary to the interests of the United States and cannot be reorganized, reconstituted or reformed to our benefit.


This is the tweet that you can send

US MUST Exit UN Now! Only the Head of State can do it! Protect parental & property rights, informed consent, kids, food, agriculture, water & freedom. Agenda 2030/Net Zero/Climate Change and fake pandemics are political and economic controls, not solutions.

–> Tell your Circle of Influence about your email and tweet and ask them to comment, like, retweet and take the action themselves. Use this link,, to generate a political tsunami by mobilizing everyone you can reach to do the same.
–> If you live in the US, Canada, Australia or UK you can take this action directly on this page above.
–> If you live outside of the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, copy and paste the letter into an email and send it to [email protected], then copy and paste the Tweet into your twitter account and send it directly to POTUS Trump @realDonaldTrump

*Dr. Rima’s Truth Reports Substack is our FREE (No Paywall) newsletter. Subscribing will keep you up to date on all of our developments.

*Connie Shield’s Substack is a FREE (No Paywall) source for international deep dive information that you won’t find anywhere else.

Tune in to Our Podcasts:
Dr Rima Truth Reports every Tuesday 6-8 PM Eastern with Co-Host Counsel Ralph Fucetola
Catalytic Conversations every Saturday 5-7 PM Eastern with Co-Hosts Connie Shields and Deborah Boehm
Listen live on the uncensored platform (free membership required) or on

Dr. Rima Truth Reports


Brian Long wants the USA to be more self reliant and less dependent on foreign countries that supply technology, specifically micro chips which are at the heart of every part of our lives.

As chairman of the American Industrial Compact he fosters rebuilding industry and manufacturing in America and encourages young people to use their creativity to advance technology in exciting ways.

The US must exit the UN in order to be the free and vibrant society that it can be.

Innovation and Investment

Dr. Rima Truth Reports


Billy Te Kahika (a New Zealand pastor and political activist) reports that the new government elected 18 months ago is following the same path as the previous, extreme left, radical woke government.

The previous prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, is touring her book A Different Kind of Power in the USA and UK but not in her own country because she is so strongly disliked, even by former supporters who now realize that she lied to them about covid.

Catalytic Conversations


Sam Baker explains how earth worms produce a natural fertilizer that rejuvenates the soil which then grows healthier plants that are more resistant to disease and pests because they have stronger immune systems. They also incorporate more nutrients because of the higher levels in the soil, making them more nutritious for human consumption.

Chemical fertilizers deplete the soil of nutrients resulting in low nutrient foods and they kill soil organisms that help plants to grow.
[email protected]

Lawyer Lisa Miron
Explains C-293


Canadian bill C-293 serves the UN plan for world government by incorporating WHO tyranny into Canadian law. It has already passed the house and first reading in the senate. It could be approved anytime after 17 Sep 2024.

Lisa’s open letter to Senators, MPs, and Premiers  

Culling is Killing



Ostrich’s eggs hold the cures that we need:
Their antibodies to fight our disease.
Edgewood’s ostriches help mankind
Yet they’re slated for culling—is C.F.I.A. so blind?

Culling is killing, they make it sound nice!
Culling is murder—open your eyes!
Science ignored, but the truth is clear
They’re killing the cure to keep us in fear!

Verse 2:
Culling is killing, they make it sound nice!
Culling is murder—open your eyes!
Science ignored, but the truth is clear,
They’re killing the cure to keep us in fear!

What’s the real goal? Why kill these birds?
Who stands to gain from killing the herd?
If they silence the cure, they’re in for a fight
Because truth doesn’t die — truth comes to light!

Culling is killing, they make it sound nice!
Culling is murder—open your eyes!
There’s blood on their hands,
Lift your head from the sand!
If they silence the cure, they’re in for a fight
Because truth doesn’t die — truth comes to light!

Trevor Loudon

How we got here:  

Nazi and Communist infiltration of our governments and institutions, indoctrination of children in public schools. 

Why the US MUST Withdraw from the UN ASAP



Nutricide Revisited

Dr. Rima Laibow explains Codex Alimentarius – the United Nations control of our food, its dangers, how we got stuck with it.

Julie Behling

Secret History of the UN

Why the US MUST Withdraw ASAP



To Listen, Click HERE

New Verb in Town



OneHealth – It’s the New Name for Death

There’s a new verb in town
Come to pick up the crown
Come to drive us all down
            To the grave
She wears a kind face
She’s all over the place
All rights to erase
            You’re her slave


She’s so pleasant and kind,
But look close and you’ll find
Say it all in one breath:
            It’s the new name for Death

Every chick, rock and sprout
Is hers, without doubt,
To keep disease out.
            OneHealth protects us
She owns all resources,
The products, the sources,
Who lives and who dies:
            OneHealth selects us


She’s so pleasant and kind,
But look close and you’ll find
Say it all in one breath
            It’s the new name for Death

She’ll OneHealth us to die
Holding “Public Health” high
And we dare not ask why
            Of OneHealth, the tyrant
The new verb in town
Wears a hospital gown
To OneHealth us all down
            We must all stand defiant!


OneHealth is the new word for death and destruction
Of our rights, of our genes, of our social construction
She plays with our language, our laws and our minds
            To make OneHealth look helpful. She must think we’re blind
But OneHealth means culling and we’re the new flock
OneHealth means removing us all in a block
OneHealth is a verb with no place to hide:
            OneHealth is a verb that means “genocide”.

OneHealth’s face so fair hides a cruel murderess
OneHealth culls the eaters she says are useless
OneHealth’s execution uses pandemic excuses.
            OneHealth wants us dead, or dumb and dependent
OneHealth is Death’s name, her breath rank and sour,
Humanity’s rising, resilient, with power
We see through the menace, though it grows by the hour,
            Her goal? Genocide all of us and all our descendants

Who’d want us all dead? Someone sick in the head

And the heart, someone psychopath-bred:
 OneHealth’s evil masters who run the UN

            If we give them the chance, they’ll come back again
We must leave the machine devoted to death,
Leave the UN, make sure freedom comes next

            It’s our only real chance, our only real hope

            Here we take our stand, as free women and men

Julie Behling, Michael O’Fallon


Julie is the force behind the new documentary “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing” – The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today’s America. A Must See. 

Michael is one of the very knowledgeable interviewees in the film.


Media Blackout with Maria Zeee

Maria Zeee and Rima Laibow discuss the Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030 
News stories they chose not to tell you. 

Dr. William Makis Injection of Truth

Dr. William Makis exposes corruption in Alberta Health Services 

20 minute video

Calgary 17 June 2024

Watch the full 4 hour event:
FB Rumble BitChute

4 min: AHS vs Makis

David Martin on
Alex Jones Show

David Martin interview with Alex Jones

The US government funded the laboratory creation of the covid-19 “virus.”

The CDC illegally changed the definitions of vaccine and pandemic.

Bill Gates’ Depopulation “vaccine.”

The Globalists win only if we give in to fear.


Part 2- A lively conversation with James Harrison, recognizing the importance of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in a child’s development.

Catalytic Conversations


Part 1 – James Harrison promotes the importance of a nurturing family with one natural born female and one natural born male as parents in a monogamous, permanent relationship as the best environment for children to grow and develop.

The Covid Dossier


Matthew Pauly hosts a @C293comtee meeting with guests Debbie Lerman & Sasha Latypova -co-authors of the Covid Dossier, James Roguski, and Connie Shields.

Government response to the “covid pandemic” was not a Public Health Response. It was a pre-planned, orchestrated assault by the military. The covid “vaccine” is a military counter measure to the covid pandemic / “health emergency.”

All governments are under control of globalist organizations. The US military used the established United Nations global governance structure to implement the covid response.

1. EXIT the UN and all its associated organizations and porgrams

2. End Public Private Partnerships

The Covid Dossier

Dr. Rima Truth Reports


With his experience in law enforcement, former Marine and Navy SEAL (Team 6), son of a pastor, Craig Sawyer, founded Veterans for Child Rescue (V4CR) in 2017 to help end child trafficking in the United States. V4CR Employs sting operations to arrest traffickers and exposes the tax payer funded, “industrial scale” trafficking operation run by the federal government involving Child Protective Services, some police and some courts. Some of the children who do not survive the horrendous ordeal commit suicide, others are killed and their organs harvested.

Watch V4CR’s documentary ContraLand.


Dr. Rima Truth Reports


Katie Pasitney of Universal Ostrich Farms reports on the court’s ruling made this morning.

Good news: The judge made it very clear that NO ostriches are to be killed until AFTER the Judicial Review.

Bad news: CFIA has appealed the judge’s original stay order issued 31 January. The appeal will be heard by a different judge. All documents for the appeal must be filed by Friday.

IF the appeal is heard before the Judicial Review, the ostriches would again be at risk of being killed before the Judicial Review. An application for an emergency injunction would be needed to stay the execution.

The significance of this fight is world wide. You can help to save the ostriches. Take action HERE.

For current information please visit

Catalytic Conversations


Kari Simpson, a long time activist warrior, is coordinating the scientific, legal and social media teams challenging the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s ridiculous and unfounded order to kill 400 healthy ostriches on a research farm near Edgewood BC.

The birds, up to 35 years of age, are part of an international study (Canada, USA, Japan) of natural immunity & antibodies against Avian Flu and potentially Covid. Kari outlines the history leading up to the kill order including designed-to-fail quarantine orders imposed on the farm and the unprecedented legal actions that have occurred to date.

The significance of this fight is world wide. You can help to save the ostriches. Take action HERE.

For current information please visit

Dr. Rima Truth Reports


Lisa Van Geldern of the John Birch Society discusses “Who is orchestrating the implementation of UN Agenda 2030 / The great Reset?” and why it is essential to EXIT the UN.

Bill Jasper’s video exposes the United States’ 1961 “Freedom From War” document as an ambitious plan for world control by a tyrannical One World Government dominated by the UN.

Subscribe to the John Birch Society Newsletter

Dr. Rima Truth Reports


A judge granted a temporary injunction (stay of execution) to allow for a judicial review of the kill order. CFIA is asking the judge to ‘clarify’ that the stay of execution applies only to the farmer’s not being REQUIRED to kill their own animals but does not restrain CFIA from killing them.

Catalytic Conversations


As reported by Katie Pasitney of Universal Ostrich Farm (near Edgewood in rural BC), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has ordered that 400 healthy ostriches, subjects of an international study of natural immunity / antibodies (in Japan, USA, and Canada) be killed because 2 younger birds died. Two swabs from each carcass were tested in an Abbotsford laboratory using PCR. The farm is not a consumer meat production facility.


  • Refused to test any of the birds that had recovered from illness
  • Refused to test any of the asymptomatic birds in a separate part of the farm
  • Threatened the farm owners with a $200,000 fine and 6 months in jail if they treated their own animals or took samples
  • Warned a veterinarian preparing to test the animals NOT to do so.

Universal Ostrich Farm is a serious threat to the globalist agenda and Big Pharma. CFIA is adhering to United Nations Agenda 2030 to destroy agriculture world wide and eliminate 90% of the world population. Take action HERE.

The Time is NOW… This is the Head of the Snake

  • Who is behind the Gun Ban?  The UN is.
  • Who is behind Comprehensive Sexuality Education? The UN.
  • Who is behind Mass Immigration? The UN.
  • Who is behind Gender Ideology? The UN.
  • Who is behind Net Zero? The UN.
  • Who is behind ____________? You fill in the blank.

The ANSWER is the UN or one of its subsidiaries.



Each light is a tractor Kids joining


Click the image to Sign the Universal Declaration of Non-Compliance now! Lend your voice to the people of the world as we stand against the genocide directed against us all!