Bill Gates TED Talk 2010: “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
What is Agenda 2030?
Agenda 2030 is a brilliantly articulated, comprehensive plan to destroy every facet of human society and, indeed, humanity itself. Its purpose is total world domination, control and ownership. Through a series of specialized corporations such as:
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO),
no aspect of private, political or community life will remain intact once Agenda 2030 is fully implemented. Full world wide implementation of the agenda is scheduled for 2030, a mere five years away.
Presented as benign and helpful, the UN has successfully propagandized itself into a position of psychological and political near-invulnerability since its creation in 1945. Meanwhile, the sinister reality of its actual agenda for comprehensive world domination has proceeded nearly unnoticed by most of us.
For Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset to come into full effect by the year 2030:
- Vast numbers of people must die
making “Vaccinces” necessary - Virtually all farms and livestock must be destroyed making “alternative proteins” and synthetic “food” necessary
- All privately owned vehicles must be banned
making 15 minute cities necessary - Dissent must be criminalized
making comprehensive surveillance and censorship necessary - All production and distribution must be centralized
making confiscation of private property necessary - Economic activity must be monitored and controlled making digital currency necessary
- Reproduction must be controlled and suppressed making destruction of fertility necessary
“..and now fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population.. because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology like artificial intelligence, bio engineering. Most people don’t contribute anything to that except perhaps for their data and whatever people are still doing that is useful, this technology increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people..”

You Still Have A Choice
Exit the UN = Block Agenda 2030!
Tweet and Email President Trump:
“Withdraw the US from the UN NOW!”
This is the tweet that you will be sending:
“US MUST Exit UN Now! Only the Head of State can do it! Protect parental & property rights, informed consent, kids, food, agriculture, water & freedom. Agenda 2030/Net Zero/Climate Change and fake pandemics are political and economic controls, not solutions.“
–> Tell your Circle of Influence about your tweet and ask them to comment, like, retweet and take the action themselves. Use this link, https://PreventGenocide2030.org, to generate a political tsunami by mobilizing everyone you can reach to do the same.
–> If you live in the US, Canada, Australia or UK you can take this action directly on this page above.
–> If you live outside of the US, Canada, Australia or UK, copy and paste the Tweet into your twitter account and send it directly to POTUS Trump @realDonaldTrump
Did You Know?
All UN “Treaties” Are Fraudulent!
*Dr. Rima’s Truth Reports Substack is our FREE (No Paywall) newsletter. Subscribing will keep you up to date on all of our developments.
*Connie Shield’s Substack is a FREE (No Paywall) source for international deep dive information that you won’t find anywhere else.
Tune in to Our Podcasts:
Dr Rima Truth Reports every Tuesday 6-8 PM Eastern with Co-Host Counsel Ralph Fucetola
Catalytic Conversations every Saturday 5-7 PM Eastern with Co-Hosts Connie Shields and Deborah Boehm
Listen live on the uncensored platform PeopleForPeople.Ning.com (free membership required) or on Rumble.com/user/PeopleForPeople2022.
Lawyer Lisa Miron
Explains C-293
Canadian bill C-293 serves the UN plan for world government by incorporating WHO tyranny into Canadian law. It has already passed the house and first reading in the senate. It could be approved anytime after 17 Sep 2024.
Lisa’s open letter to Senators, MPs, and Premiers
Catalytic Conversations Emergency Broadcast
Trevor Loudon
How we got here:
Nazi and Communist infiltration of our governments and institutions, indoctrination of children in public schools.
Why the US MUST Withdraw from the UN ASAP
Catalytic Conversations Emergency Broadcast
Julie Behling
Secret History of the UN
Why the US MUST Withdraw ASAP
@stopc293committee with guest Rima Laibow
To Listen, Click HERE
Catalytic Conversations Emergency Broadcast

Julie Behling, Michael O’Fallon
Julie is the force behind the new documentary “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing” – The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today’s America. A Must See.
Michael is one of the very knowledgeable interviewees in the film.
Media Blackout with Maria Zeee

Maria Zeee and Rima Laibow discuss the Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030
News stories they chose not to tell you.
Dr. William Makis Injection of Truth

Dr. William Makis exposes corruption in Alberta Health Services
20 minute video
Calgary 17 June 2024
David Martin on
Alex Jones Show
David Martin interview with Alex Jones
The US government funded the laboratory creation of the covid-19 “virus.”
The CDC illegally changed the definitions of vaccine and pandemic.
Bill Gates’ Depopulation “vaccine.”
The Globalists win only if we give in to fear.
Catalytic Conversations

As reported by Katie Pasitney of Universal Ostrich Farm (near Edgewood in rural BC), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has ordered that 400 healthy ostriches, subjects of an international study of natural immunity / antibodies (in Japan, USA, and Canada) be killed because 2 younger birds died. Two swabs from each carcass were tested in an Abbotsford laboratory using PCR. The farm is not a consumer meat production facility.
- Refused to test any of the birds that had recovered from illness
- Refused to test any of the asymptomatic birds in a separate part of the farm
- Threatened the farm owners with a $200,000 fine and 6 months in jail if they treated their own animals or took samples
- Warned a veterinarian preparing to test the animals NOT to do so.
Universal Ostrich Farm is a serious threat to the globalist agenda and Big Pharma. CFIA is adhering to United Nations Agenda 2030 to destroy agriculture world wide and eliminate 90% of the world population. Take action HERE.
Dr. Rima Truth Reports

Billy TK, a political activist in New Zealand, reports that NZ is at the front of the line for receiving government tyranny, ahead of Canada.
The NZ government is still trying to take him down for “crimes” for which he was proven innocent in court. His appeal is scheduled for 25th Feb (video at 1:21:25). Similar charges against a sitting MP were dropped.
Catalytic Conversations

Veterinary Doctor Todd Cooney uses natural remedies in treating animals, specifically homeopathy. Recommends a natural raw diet and does not vaccinate or use pharmaceutical drugs.
Many consultations can be done online and do not require an in-person visit.
Dr. Cooney became interested in homeopathy as a result of observing its effectiveness in the quick recovery of sick animals. For example:
A dramatic dog story at 32:38
Catalytic Conversations

Rima and Connie discuss:
What is the significance of the
Prorogation of Canada’s parliament ?
Canadian Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention Act – Bill C-293 ?
Is Canada a country? Does it have a constitution? Equalization payments. Could the provinces become independent countries? Could they form alliances with other countries?
Dr. Rima Truth Reports

US Truckers John Grosvenor and Billy Painter, members of the Bearded Patriots…
Catalytic Conversations

US Truckers John Grosvenor and Billy Painter, members of the Bearded Patriots, discuss defending sovereignty.
Dr. Rima Truth Reports

Robert Morss served in the military for four years, was deployed to Afghanistan, was arrested in June 2021 and served 3 1/2 years in prison (a political prisoner) for attending the capitol building on January 6th 2021. He is speaking today from a half way house.
Co-author with Kelly Meggs of
One Question Remains: Your Move
published December 2024
Catalytic Conversations

Dr. Steven Pelech & Dr. Chris Shaw discuss the existence of the Sars-cov-2 virus, how it works, and the superiority of natural immunity. Was covid-19 tyranny planned or did governments and oligarchs merely take advantage of a natural situation?
Collaborated on two books.
Down the Covid-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic
Covdi-19 Pandemonium: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, and Greed, The Capture of Our Institutions
Catalytic Conversations

Chris G. Adamo’s book Rules For Defeating Radicals: Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture describes how the radical left manipulates its way into power by convincing us that we should not oppose it.
The radical left does not support any cause other than its own grab for power.
We must oppose it, stand up, and speak out to show that it has no basis in truth for its deceptive false hoods.
We must not apologize for “offending” others by speaking truth.
Dr. Rima Truth Reports

Presentation of New Action on https://PreventGenocide2030.org to Tweet Trump to KEEP his PROMISES to: End IIlegal Migration, End Corruption of Children, End Toxic Food, Ban mRNA shots, End Destruction of the US Economy
Catalytic Conversations

Dr. Chris Shaw, neuroscientist (UBC), co-author and co-editor with Dr. Steven Pelech (UBC) of Covid-19 Rabit Hole and Covid-19 Pandemonium: A Pandemic of Fear, Ignorance and Greed.
Chris Shaw [email protected]
Dr. Rima Truth Reports

Connie Shields explains how municipalities have been captured by the United Nations and directed to implement UN policies – 15 minute cities, SOGI, Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, etc…
1972 – Canadian Maurice Strong led the first international conference on the Environment in Stockholm Sweden; founding of the UN Environment Program (UNEP)
1992 – Maurice Strong led the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) – aka the Earth Summit – in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1992 – PM Brian Mulroney signed Canada onto UN Agenda 21 at the Rio Earth Summit
1994 – Municipal Primer distributed to all municipalities by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) – a guide to voluntary implementation of UN policies by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
Catalytic Conversations

George Carneal, Part 1
– author of From Queer to Christ, struggled for years with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction, finding no peace of mind and no clear answers to troubling questions in either secular or religious worlds. After 25 years living a homosexual life style he has lived the past 17 years free from the bondage of gay life.
English Dub and Subtitles
Lex Fridman interviews Javier Milei, president of Argentina, about economics and the massive changes turning toward a market economy from a failed socialist society, cleaning out the swamp of corrupt bureaucracy. He is doing for Argentina what Trump promises for America.
return anchor

The Time is NOW… This is the Head of the Snake
- Do you think Biden is behind the gun ban? NOPE! The UN is.
- Do you think Biden is behind CSE? NOPE! The UN is.
- Do you think Biden is behind mass immigration?
- Do you think Biden is behind Gender Ideology?
- Do you think Biden is behind Net Zero?
- Do you think Biden is behind ____________? You fill in the blank.
The United Nations or one of its subsidiaries is.

Each light is a tractor Kids joining
Listen up, WHO.
There was no pandemic.
There was no health emergency.
There was no medical or scientific evidence for masking, lockdowns, distancing, or vaccinations.
You changed the definition of pandemic so that any disease or any problem anywhere could be labeled a pandemic.
The PCR test was fake. Falsified results induced fear of the alleged “covid pandemic” to coerce acceptance of fake vaccines.
CDC changed the definition of vaccine to accommodate mRNA gene altering injections.
The mRNA injections were called vaccines to bypass required testing for new drugs. Vaccines are not tested to the same standard as drugs.
The mRNA injections are genetic modification experiments.
Excess mortality did not occur until the roll out of the mRNA injections – bioweapon death shots created under contract to the US Department of Defence.
The public was not informed that test subjects died during pathetically inadequate mRNA “vaccine” trials.
mRNA death shots were mandated without INFORMED CONSENT, violating the Nuremberg Code incorporated into legislation of most countries.
YOU MURDERED millions of people while masquerading as a health organization that facilitated big pharma’s financial gain.
Under your watch, hundreds of thousands of people died from enforced protocols including midazolam, remdesivir, and ventilators.
Emergency Use Authorization for the mRNA injections was illegal because other, safe and effective treatments for alleged covid-19
existed – hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide, quercetin, nano silver and more.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermemctin have been on the WHO essential medications list for years and are used world wide.
You did not promote health.
YOU promoted DEATH.
Wolves in sheeps’ clothing.
Murderers in doctors’ coats.
Your insatiable greed for power and control has exposed you for the criminal thugs that your are.
As a private, unelected, unaccountable and corrupt foreign organization you have no legal jurisdiction over me or my countrymen.
We have no contract with you. We will not comply with your tyranny.
You pretend to have power over member countries and use that “power” to grant yourself even more power and control.
You do not follow the rules of procedure in your own constitution for adopting new, more stringent rules for member countries. You are a
sham, a house of cards.
We do not need a pandemic treaty or agreement with you. Your abysmal, incompetent, fraudulent handling of the alleged covid-19 pandemic
disqualifies you as a source of health management information.
Your proposed pandemic agreement provides for the WHO Director-General to declare a state of perpetual emergency granting him/her unchallengeable, dictatorial control over people in member countries.
Your proposed pandemic agreement changes your advisory role to an enforcement role. This radical change allows member countries to
walk away from you with no obligation to you.
UN Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, which you support, are a recipe for an intolerable life style confined to 15 minute cities (prison camps) with no democracy, no freedoms, no rights, and bugs for food.
We don’t need you. We don’t want you.
We work for your total and complete demise.
Click the image to Sign the Universal Declaration of Non-Compliance now! Lend your voice to the people of the world as we stand against the genocide directed against us all!

STOP All lethal INJECTIONS and
And Now, for Your Amusement, The “Speed of Science”
Day 1: First detection of “atypical” pneumonia of unknown cause in China
Day 6: 44 cases identified
Day 8: Declaration that a new SARS-like virus is the cause
Day 11: First PCR test kits shipped & first gene sequence published
Day 13: WHO accepts Drosten’s PCR protocol as the gold standard
Day 22: Drosten’s protocol is submitted, peer reviewed and published
Day 24: Chinese study in NEJM identifies specific clinical symptoms
Day 29: First study in NEJM on “asymptomatic transmission”