Council of Concerned Citizens
Financing Freedom
A Project of
The Council of Concerned Citizens (C3) Needs You.
Here is why you need C3
Are You Ready to Watch Agents of the Government:
Neither Are We!
Despite the glowing image created by endless propaganda, the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, also known as “Agenda 2030” and the “Great Reset”, are designed to accomplish total Marxification of society. Beneath the beautiful rhetoric of ‘sustainability’ and ‘progress’ lies the actual blueprint for seizing control of all of our resources, industries and indeed, our bodies.
There is nothing subtle about this agenda. Powerful globalists tell us that society “must be destroyed”[1]. For example UN Special Envoy for Climate and Finance, Mark Carney, marks companies that resist as “Economic Road Kill”.[2],[3]
While we were looking elsewhere, a massive UN-directed control structure of regulation and taxation has been stealthily woven into every level of government from national to municipal. Its purpose? To obliterate all of your rights, including private enterprise and property ownership. The architect for this massive Marxification of society?
Allowing the globalists to prevail guarantees your Companies, Cars and Children will, quite literally, belong to the government, not to you.
C3 says, “NO!”
Our window of opportunity is narrow: either we act now and succeed or we lose the war.
We can – and must – compel the United States first to exit the corrupt, dangerous, destructive, and power-mad UN and then to cancel all UN-directed policies. Only by creating the massive public demand and legislative action necessary to exit the UN, can we protect our property, our loved ones and our way of life.
Incorrectly perceived as an instrument of peace and well-being, the UN was actually created as the embryonic structure for the One World Government / New World Order now being actualized under the guise of “Protection” from:
- Pandemics
- Climate Change
- World Turmoil
- Inequity
- “Black Swan” Events
- Anything else they can concoct
C3 stands in firm opposition to their deceptively worded “Sustainable Development Goals”, which require all private property including businesses and enterprises, homes, automobiles, and other assets to be removed from private ownership. Personal rights and national sovereignty will be subsumed under the Marxist “Greater Good”, serving only the “Great” and doing the rest of us no good.
While we have breath and the ability to use it effectively, we will not permit this well-planned, cataclysmic destruction.
C3 is committed to designing and deploying a powerful, two pronged, professional, public relations campaign to compel the US to withdraw completely from the UN:
- Generate massive public awareness and vigorous demand for the US to withdraw from the UN, compelling
- Congressional reintroduction, passage, Presidential signing and implementation of the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR:6645/S:3428)
Only total disengagement from the UN, an avowedly socialist organization, can protect your rights. Engaging with the UN and its toxic agencies (e.g., WHO, UNESCO, IMF, etc.) is a failed strategy. The UN’s carefully crafted, insidious policies have been created to undermine and weaken every aspect of our society, including abrogating supposedly inalienable rights.
We Must Act Now!
Time is of the essence. It is impossible to overstate the urgency of effective pushback to prevent the forced implementation of:
- More Mass Illegal Immigration
- The “Great Reset”
- “The Digital Gulag” (Digital currency and ID)
- Bio-Digital Convergence
- Land Grabs
- “Re-Wilding”
- 15 Minute Cities
- Mandated “Alternative Protein” (Bugs)
- Population Reduction
- Mandatory Vaccination
- Etc., etc.
C3 Supports Your Rights. Support C3
As a supporter of C3 you will receive Executive Updates and invitations to private supporter activities.
- Make your generous donation HERE
- Share this invitation link with everyone in your Circle of Interest and the Council of Concerned Citizens are projects of the tax exempt 501(C)(3) Institute for Health Research and its sister organization, the Natural Solutions Foundation, the leading independent voice for Health Freedom around the world. We refuse funding or input from governments or other sources which could compromise our independence, integrity and advocacy. We exist only through your generous support.
[2] The agenda’s objectives are in fact already being enforced, not primarily by legislation but by the application of non-governmental — that is, non-democratic — pressure on the corporate sector via the ever-expanding dictates of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) and by “sustainable finance,” which is designed to starve non-compliant companies of funds, thus rendering them, as Carney puts it, “climate roadkill.”
“It Won’t Be Pleasant” – Mark Carney Unveils Dystopian New World To Combat Climate ‘Crisis’ | The Wentworth Report
[3] Carney, M, Values: Building a Better World for All, McClelland & Stewart, 2021